Proximity III with Dwam and Magenta

The folks over at Four Chambers never stop making awesome porn. They have just released a brand new erotic short film, Proximity III, starring Dwam and Magenta.

Proximity III

It’s rare to see such authentic lesbian porn nowadays. I’m not even sure we should categorize like this because to me, it just looks like pure, entertaining and satisfying sex between two women who actually have the hots for each other.

The images are stunning and it just feels like we’re right there, with them.

Dwam is this cool, grumpy queer feminist who doesn’t like you. She’s also in this other video I reviewed.

dwam on tumblr



And Magenta is this awesome French/Brazilian vegan feminist queer who enjoys long romantic walks to the fridge.

magenta on tumblr

Check out Proximity I and

proximity III : dwam & magenta // tease from Four Chambers on Vimeo. 

1 Comment
  1. Dwam

    January 29, 2015 10:46 pm

    Oh ! Months later I realize you reviewed that movie! Thank you 🙂

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