Beautiful Agony, watch real people masturbate and orgasm

I post very often about masturbation. First, I think it’s super arousing to watch someone else jerk off, and second, it’s, in my opinion, sometimes forgotten in the porn world. It’s actually hard to find quality masturbation clips, and it’s the same about orgasms. We see cum and creampies all over, but watch real pleasure live? Not so much. That’s why today, I want to talk about Beautiful Agony and let you see how it’s one of the sexiest places on the Internet.

Beautiful Agony, the faces of pleasure

There is no nudity on the site. We can only see the faces of the people masturbating, down to the shoulders. So, how can it be so sexy? Well, just have a look at the videos below. Watching someone performing a very intimate act so naturally, openly and sincerely, is a real turn on. You can see all the little mimics, the expression of pleasure in their eyes and their body shiver. Some of them scream, others tremble. I like that it looks like orgasm always comes as a surprise. We’ve all experienced it and yet, it always surprises us how good it is.

I think many of us crave seeing reality in porn. And well, technically, this isn’t porn. Still, we’ve all seen so many times the clichés of mainstream porn that I feel we need a great dosis of real sex.

Plus, we always think that maybe there’s something wrong with us. Many women feel self-conscious about their vagina for example. So, even if there is no actual penis and vaginas in the videos, it’s reminding us that we’re all different and that we all have our own, sexual personality. So let’s explore ourselves!

Everybody can film themselves and send them the tape, so if you do and your video gets picked, please tell me!!

Below is a series of videos that represent the work of Beautiful Agony.

I recommend watching the couple having “duet” masturbation at the end of the post, it’s precious.

Beautiful Agony #1, 2004 from Beautiful Agony on Vimeo.

What does an orgasm feel like?

What does an Orgasm feel like?, Beautiful Agony #2631, 2012 from Beautiful Agony on Vimeo.

Live orgasms on film

Real couple having sex

And finally, the bonus. A video of a real couple touching themselves and having sex, for us. I love how we can see the intimacy and the simple pleasure. It’s sweaty, it’s raw, it’s real. Useless to say it made me veeery horny.

  1. […] and feel pleasure, independently from having a partner or not. I’ve already showed you a sneak peek into the famous platform, and today it’s time to look at their latest releases, kindly […]

  2. […] EDIT: The video has been removed, so check out this post to watch a preview of Beautiful Agony! […]

  3. Kaela

    July 23, 2014 8:41 pm

    cannot believe I have never seen this website before. This is absolutely beautiful. I love how passionate they are, and how sexy it is even without any nudity. finally! a site for woman!

  4. _Michael W Norred

    January 9, 2015 11:27 am

    Damm were you looking Sexy and oh so Hot, I’d gladly get undressed except for the PANTIES you’d discover as well as anyone who was there. You’d let me try on some of your PANTIES would int you?

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