Agent Provocateur’s sexiest lingerie films

If you haven’t been living in a cave this last decade, then you must know about the famous brand, Agent Provocateur. Their lingerie is said to be the most erotic in the world. Founded almost 20 years ago, the firm has now 30 stores in 13 countries, so check if they have a store near where you live, it’s definitely worth it.

To prove to us that their lingerie is the sexiest and most beautiful, they have been shooting lots of commercial videos, featuring celebs and very hot lingerie.

Here’s a selection of their sexiest clips, in my opinion. If you have more, don’t hesitate to share!

Show your true self, with Monica Cruz

This video is one of their latests. Monica Cruz shows her true colors in front of the camera. I like two things about it: first, the lingerie is really detailed and sexy (the pink one is HOT), and second, I love that they chose an actor with great shape and who’s not 18 years old. Thumbs up!

Mylène Jampanoï is the Muse

This short film was shot by Jordan Scott, a photographer and filmmaker, and also daughter of Ridley Scott. This was for the Summer 2012 campaign, and it features the talented and beautiful French actress, Mylène Jampanoï. I saw her a while ago in the movie Martyr. If you’re sensitive, please don’t watch it, it’s the most horrifying, disturbing movie I’ve ever seen. Anyways, she is lovely. And she expresses so much in this clip, without even moving or saying anything.

Jordan Scott Agent Provocateur Muse from Boudoir Films on Vimeo.

Kirsty Hume as Betty Sue

This really is one of my favorites. Model Kirsty Hume plays Agent Provocateur’s first female protagonist: Betty Sue. With high heels and a red wig, she will reverse the usual gender roles. In this film, a young man comes in, wearing only a pair of undies and one of rabbit ears, and starts stripping on the bed. Meanwhile, Betty Sue watches and says: “Agent Provocateur is the most erotic lingerie in the world… and I use it for my pleasures“. We understand that this film shows a turning point in female sexuality and that women are on their way to sexual empowerment. I’m saying “on their way” because, ladies and gentlemen, there is still much to do to get there.

Still, objectification in sex is something we should be able to do both ways, with men, and women.


Kylie Minogue riding a bucking bronco

The title is really self explanative. This video made quite an impression when it was released in 2009. Kylie Minogue is absolutely breathtaking. I guess that’s when their punchline really got somewhere: “We’re the most erotic lingerie in the world, proven by you”. Watch the video and you will understand how she proves it to all of us…

AP’s lingerie

Of course the lingerie is hot, because the women who wear it in the videos, are gorgeous. But the lingerie actually is really beautiful and detailed. I’m not an expert on sexy knickers but I can say their style is unique, elegant and can fit everybody, no matter the morphology.

Check out their summer collection.

agent provocateur summer collection 2013


Lingerie & Sex

Wearing sexy lingerie is fun, for everybody. Wearing it makes you feel sexy and it can definitely spice up your night, or even your whole relationship. Have you ever had special experiences with sexy lingerie? Tell me in the comments!


1 Comment
  1. […] Fashion is a word that can make a few feminists cringe because most of the time, it involves a set image of how women should be and what they should look like: tall, thin, and pretty. However, it often is also a door to a world of elegance, glamour and erotica. I have chosen three erotic fashion clips that I think you will like… You should also check out my post on Agent Provocateur’s sexiest lingerie films. […]

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