Two WTF sex videos including a singing vagina, a penis and cake.

While searching for the hottest, most erotic and ethical explicit films on the Internet, I come across quite a few weird videos. Some make me lose my faith in humanity, others restore it, by posting clever and funny work. These two are the first ones that I’m posting on and they inaugurate my new WTF category! I don’t know if they’re sexy, scary or funny, you’ll be the judge of that!

Let’s start.

1. The singing vagina, the best lip syncing ever.

The title of the video is actually “I’m better friends with my cunt now”. Well, yeah, anyone you have a karaoke session with can become quite the friend. The song that is “sung” by these lovely vaginas is O-o-h Child by Nina Simone. It’s actually pretty funny and you can even see the “making of” video here! So this group of girls – from Sweden maybe? – got together one day and recorded themselves and their private part for the most awesome “lip syncing” session ever. WTF, right?

2. That’s a hungry penis

They always say: “Don’t go food shopping when you’re hungry”. I think the people from this video should have listened… This completely WTF videos shows girls lusting over fruit cake and a guy actually fucking one. Food can be a pretty fun “prop” when it comes to sex, and we often compare sexual lust with the pleasure of tasty treats. This video is the exact representation of this. Why? Why not! Everybody has thought at least once in their life, about dropping everything and rubbing ourselves naked in cream and chocolate. Watch the video and let yourself be inspired!

1 Comment
  1. […] ago, I inaugurated the WTF section of this site, and it’s been a crazy ride so far! Between singing vulvas and kung fu sex, I hereby present you two completely insane […]

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