The Rider – Powerful erotic short by Chris Fitzgerald

It’s not easy to fuel this site with erotic videos every day. Sometimes, I can’t find anything that stimulates me and I curse the Internetz and the patriarchy. Some other times, out of the blue, I stumble upon films like this one, The Rider, by Chris Fitzgerald, and all is good in the world again.

The Rider

Fitzgerald is a former tattoo artist and Photographer from LA, who likes to shoot raw, intense images, often with an erotic edge. The Rider is definitely intense. It’s simple in concept, but powerful and deep. The model, Choke, rides this wooden horse and this whole metaphor just turned me on instantly. The bit in her mouth, the spit coming out, her naked body on the wooden horse back, the gentle va-et-vient motion, the way she caresses the horse’s head… and the music, by Red Sparrowes… Beautiful!

I hope you’ll enjoy this video. I know many of you enjoyed the Mary Jane O’Reilly’s horse burlesque, so let me know! And remember, we are all riders…

The Rider from Chris Fitzgerald on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. whorsemaster

    December 5, 2014 2:59 pm

    I hope that horse was given a sharp back to press into her pussy… That’s how a wooden horse is meant to be.

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