

Masturbation: level Geisha

Well, this is embarrassing. Yesterday, I met up with a friend for a friendly beer. It quickly became a goodbye party for a friend at a rock bar and the initial beer suddenly invited children, grandchildren, and the "shot" cousin. A few hours later, I was in my bed, fighting against the urge to puke…

Table for one? Solo and mutual masturbation videos

If you've been following this site, then you know how much I love talking and showing masturbation. I think it's crucial to have pleasure in sex and I don't consider it a replacement of sex with a partner. Sometimes it can even involve him or her and it becomes the best starter, or even main…

3 intense masturbation scenes from horror movies

I'm a huge fan of horror movies. Thrillers, gore, japanese or teen horror, I love them all. Some of them are seriously fucked up, and some offer very graphic sexual scenes. I'm not too interested in posting a scene showing Paris Hilton's bare boobs though (from the Wax House film if I'm not mistaken?), I'm…

Happy Ending, the power of foreplay in your hands

Today, for our good porn session, I chose this video of Joymii featuring Maria C. and Jimmy, titled Happy Ending (adios, suspense). I was searching the web for good porn, and, you know me, I can't post anything here that doesn't make me horny first. And I was pretty disappointed at what I was seeing.…

Why I love feminist porn in 12 sexy gifs

A decade ago, the concept of feminist porn would have been really unimaginable, and it is still difficult to swallow for many people. However, I really believe it is crucial in the fight for equality. Women enjoy sex, like men, and porn is a great way to explore your body and fantasies. Most porn is…

3 authentic and intimate masturbation scenes

I am, thus I masturbate. I mean it! Masturbating is healthy and it helps us connect with our mind as well as our body. There is a lot of masturbation material on the Internet, but sometimes I feel that they're too fake and obviously staged. It's not only about the sex toys or the penis…

Beautiful Agony, watch real people masturbate and orgasm

I post very often about masturbation. First, I think it's super arousing to watch someone else jerk off, and second, it's, in my opinion, sometimes forgotten in the porn world. It's actually hard to find quality masturbation clips, and it's the same about orgasms. We see cum and creampies all over, but watch real pleasure…

1 girl. 1 guy. 2 solo masturbation videos.

As you remember, it is Masturbation Month! There are still a few days left until the end of May so I thought I would refresh your memory with two hot solo masturbation videos. #1. Seule. I sincerely think this video is beautiful. Made by Toño Chouza, Seule, won the Best Microfilm award at the European…

5 ways to masturbate [ 5 hot masturbation scenes ]

I've been talking a lot about #masturbationmonth lately (as you know May is THE month!) and asking my friends about how they masturbate. And I learned that there are A LOT of different ways to masturbate and that everybody likes to do it his/her own way. So today I've selected a series of videos and…

My friends and I talk about our masturbation habits

As you know May is Masturbation Month! Let's remember that masturbating is healthy and it is nothing to be shameful of! That's why last week end I interviewed my friends, and myself, about our masturbation habits, to prove that everybody does it and that it's ok. As you can see they were very open-minded and…

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