Proximity IV : Atmospheric love between two men

It’s a happy day! Here’s Four Chambers’ brand new video and it turns out to be about two men making hot love so, you’ll understand, my panties are in a bunch, a wet, needy bunch. Check out Proximity IV.

Proximity IV – Damien and Viktor

What I love about Four Chambers, is that it’s simply about people fucking beautifully and passionately. In this scene, Damien Moreau, whom you might remember from Kangourou, and Viktor Belmont, invite us to watch them closely as they merge, thrust, moan and laugh. The images lift you up and the hairs on your neck spike up until you get caught in this light, warm atmosphere. No matter if you’re a little gay / straight or not at all, this is hot.

This is soul food people.

proximity IV // tease from Four Chambers on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Reel Fanatic

    September 5, 2015 1:42 pm

    Love your work Lucie. Keep it up. Totally true about the clip. Read about Viktor a while back and glad to see him in action.

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