My new found love for Hentai movies

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon some hentai animations while searching for good porn. I was never too attracted by it because it just seemed too exaggerated, until I discovered Alignment You! You!, Black Bible, Hatsu Inu…

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I watched the first episode of Alignment You! You! – no idea what the title refers to – and I was glued to my screen. And my chair… I was already fantasizing about Sailormoon and her Prince Endymion when I was little so I guess it makes sense!

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Female point of view

It surprised me that the story was from the female main character’s point of view, which is super cool. I also saw the censorship that I had already heard about, the very efficiently blurred genitalia that doesn’t actually hide anything. I thought it was kinda cute… And partly because of this censorship, they can’t show a lot of in and out sex, like we commonly see in mainstream porn. Instead, they build up stories, really elaborate stories and plots which often end up in crazy fantasies.

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In Alignment You! You!, a dead girl gets to fuck the guy she loved in front of the whole class. If I saw that in porn, I probably would find it fake or stupid.

Wet wet wet

I mean, ok, it is still very male-oriented, of course, but the female characters do take a lot of pleasure in the stories and get wetter and wetter along the episode. It’s actually funny because there is wetness everywhere. Pussies are so juicy that it becomes hypnotic and actually pretty arousing. It feels more equal, more fun, more crazy than anything you could do with porn.

hentai wet pussy gif

Besides, the fact that it’s all animated makes it, somehow, less violent. When I watch some bad porn, it always leaves me with a bad feeling, but with Hentai, nobody gets hurt and everything is possible, in fantasy world.


Plus, the art is quite good in some of them.

So, I will continue my quest to the discovery of Hentai movies, probably will wander around the octopus stuff… Of course, I will keep you posted.

hentai art{via}

1 Comment
  1. volcana

    September 8, 2015 7:35 pm

    Hentai is excellent :),
    if you liked bible black try searching for futanari, that is all the shemales videos in hentai.
    Also i love your site 🙂

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