Orchidee – Erotica and Art in one short film

Orchidee is a beautiful little artistic fashion film I’ve found this week. It’s pretty bare and simple, but at the same time hipnotizing and gorgeous. Let’s see why.

ORCHIDEE from arthurvalverde on Vimeo.

Orchidee – Erotica and Art

Many people say they make artistic videos based on nudity and the beauty of bodies. However, if it’s not well done, it’s just, well, nudity. Of course, all bodies are beautiful, but when you claim to make an artistic film, it has to breathe and perspire beauty. It doesn’t have to be beauty in the conventional sense of the word, it can be anything, even ugliness, but there has to be something that moves something in you.

This is why I love Orchidee. It’s dark, sensual, and yes it shows nude bodies, but it’s the whole thing that’s beautiful.

Fashion brings us the worst and the best in art. It puts make up on children, pushes women to starve and spreads wrong ideas about what bodies should look like. However, it sometimes bring us beautiful pieces, such as this one.

Orchidee was produced by Sancy Studios and Imag’in Productions, and directed by Arthur Valverde. The two actors you can see in the film are Anita Meszaros and Corentin Richard.

1 Comment
  1. […] film was made by Love Productions, which you might remember from Orchidee, and it was directed by John […]

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