This is a sweet little video. I will spoil it for you, at the end, it says “the fucking truth” (la puta verdad, in Spanish). Let’s watch Me Tocas – Not Porn Just Art.

Me tocas from Franco Assenza on Vimeo.

Not Porn Just Art, by Franco Assenza

Franco Assenza has already made quite a few little videos like this one. It’s very artistic, pretty, and soft. It’s all about showing erotic in an artistic way, so that it moves you. This short film in particular, Me Tocas (You Touch Me in Spanish) is associated with a poem by Karol Valbuena.

Me tocas como el mar a la tierra; sin motivos, sin razones, sin esperas.
Me tocas sin tiempo, sin lugares, sin saberlo.
Me tocas sin tocarme; sin tus manos, sin tu piel, sin tus besos.
Me tocas con miradas, con suspiros, con anhelos.
Me tocas con sonrisas, con tu aire, con recuerdos.
Me tocas sin sentirte… todo el cuerpo, muy adentro.

It basically goes like this:

You touch me like the sea touches the Earth, without motive, without reason, without waiting.
You touch me without time, without places, without even knowing…

If you can read Spanish, I suggest you read more of her poems on her website.

As I was saying, Assenza has made more than one films… Check these out:

Comportamiento from Franco Assenza on Vimeo.

Mirar from Franco Assenza on Vimeo.

I guess it’s all about women, because Assenza’s a guy. I wish there was content around men’s bodies as well…

The author has also taken a bunch of beautiful photos, like the ones below. You can see more on his tumblr!

not porn just art franco assenza

