Momentum, Michelle Flynn’s debut erotic film

After a successful crowdfunding campaign, Aussi porn filmmaker Michelle Flynn and her production company, LightSouthern, have released a trailer for her new film, Momentum, Volume 1!

Momentum – Surf, Seventies and Sex

MIchelle Flynn has already produced a lot of porn films and worked with the biggest: JuicyPinkBox, Abbywinters… Thanks to her Indiegogo supporters, she was able to collect $6.627 to make this possible! Momentum is set in the 70s and takes place in Australia, more specifically on the beach where her characters have fun surfing and having hot sex.

The goal is to make a film with good actors and a good crew, with an erotic, explicit twist. I think this is absolutely amazing. Much like Jennifer Lyon Bell who mixes cinema and erotica, Flynn wants to provide us with an actually interesting movie that stimulates both our head and body.

I really like the trailer, it looks fresh and fun, something that really looks like it could make me have a good time. Below the trailer, you can also watch their crowdfunding video, in which you get to meet the actors. It’s really amazing that thanks to the Internet, a bunch of people were able and eager to give money to see this kind of project be developed. Maybe I should start crowdfunding…

‘Momentum’ vol1 Official Trailer from Michelle Flynn on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. […] Et pendant ce temps, Lucie Blush a trouvé des jolies photos de teubs et elle nous parle d’un film qui a réussi à voir le jour grâce au […]

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