Hot and authentic male nudity by BigBadLlama

I’m going to pay more attention to good photographers out there. Nudity is common and sex is everywhere, but content that shows nudity in a different, more authentic and artistic way, is pretty rare. That’s why I’m beginning to be a big fan of BigBadLlama’s work!

BigBadLlama – Filthy and we love it

Based in Belfast, this young Photographer works in different fields, from video to fashion photography and music. His goal is to show beauty in all its forms, “inside and out, regardless of shape, size, color, gender, race or sexuality”.

Apart from working with big shots like Vogue, Elle… BigBadLlama also does erotic, explicit photography, often shooting hot men in intimate situations. The focus is on gay men, but it can certainly appeal to anybody who likes pretty butts and charming, naked guys.

Check out his facebook page and his filthybadllama tumblr page for more goodies…

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It’s not about the biggest muscles or any kind of perfection, it’s about showing both men as erotic subjects of desire and authentic beauty in nudity. It doesn’t look fake or orchestrated, but natural and spontaneous, which is probably why I like it so much.

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Little moments and positions of an intimate day-to-day life shows a deeper side of nudity, and depicts not only sexual desire but also emotional connection.

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1 Comment
  1. […] Et pendant ce temps, Lucie Blush a trouvé des jolies photos de teubs et elle nous parle d’un film qui a réussi à voir le jour grâce au […]

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