Lynch-esque threesome in erotic short film Persona

It’s rare to come by classy erotic short films that feature both men and women. Usually it is focused on one or the other (mostly women, though) and it might end up being dull. I had my doubts when I first glanced at the film screenshot, but I was nicely surprised! Persona is a crazy erotic short film!

Persona – 6 minutes of your mind being blown

It starts like many fashion films. A woman is wearing a cool coat, with nothing underneath. However, instead of just showing her going around in her pretty clothes, there is actually a script in this film. I’m not sure I understood it, but it sure took it up a notch! This woman is talking on the phone with who we suppose is her alter ego, her inner mistress. We soon get to see this alter ego, with short black hair and a gorgeous latex suit that is the definition of eroticism.

We also discover two men who seem to be at her mercy. They are absolutely gorgeous, but I admit they are quite faceless, since they’re here more for their awesome bodies. It feels like the woman has been doing naughty things with them and now she’s struggling to come back to Earth and leave this fantasy to fall back on our miserable, dull life… I wouldn’t want to leave either!

It also feels a little “hot and cold”. The sexual tension is there, and the confusing cuts and storyline make us even more curious, but it is also silent, so silent it feels strident, and the scene in the bathtub gave me the chills!

I also wonder why she’s speaking in French. As you know, we have the reputation of having a sexy accent, I don’t see it personally, but maybe the director, Gordon von Steiner, chose it to add another confusing perspective to this great film!

  1. Dementelibre

    November 21, 2013 8:58 pm

    The French language is so nice to hear that even the vulgarities sound good (Matrix Reloaded, 2003). In my country, the French language is the love language. 😀 This video is artistic, erotic. It’s necessary to think. It had many interpretations, because it hadn’t a linear storyboard. The music with violins is very important. In summary, a video to enjoy slowly.

  2. […] This is Leo Eller’s butt from a short film I told you about a while ago, titled Persona. […]

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