Lucie Blush’s new explicit and erotic short film!

Hey everybody, today is a special day. No horny video from the Internet for you, but a very voyeury look into my new explicit and erotic short film!

An erotic short film by Lucie Blush

Today Aura and Isi have come to shoot my brand new project. What is it about? Well, it’s about a woman who really doesn’t have time for a boyfriend, but who can’t help but having hot sex over and over with this very cute guy she met a few days earlier. Could it be the beginning of something? Or is it just for fun? Or both?

It’s very early in the morning and she has to work, but the temptation is too strong and she lets herself be taken over by him.

True sexy story and real couple

It doesn’t have an official title yet, but its code name is Hot Reflections, because it is based on the eponymous short story I wrote a while ago. This short film be see the light at the end of September. I am very excited to make a piece that’s fresh, modern, and, above all, hot, especially for straight girls who desperately need hot guys and explicit sex on screen! I find myself craving good content too often, so I thought I would make my own. I am lucky to have found a real couple to participate in this film, since they were able to show great and genuine passion.

For now, here are a few photos, hot from the oven!

I will soon be publishing a teaser and more info on the actors!

lucie blush new explicit short film

lucie blush new explicit short film


1 Comment
  1. […] too long ago, I was telling you how I was in the process of making my own and very first erotic short film! Well, I am still in the […]

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