Hot Reflections, my new erotic short story

Hey everybody! That’s it. I have just written my first erotic short story. It’s called Hot Reflections. It’s about sex. Amazing, right?! Seriously, it’s a hot morning sex scene. More than a story, it’s a moment.

An erotic short story or “moment of sex”.

We don’t know their names, but we know they met a few days earlier. She’s independent and used to living alone. She occasionally has one-night stands but nothing serious. This is actually how it started, an hour dancing at this club and they went back to her place. She never imagined he would stick around. She doesn’t like it when guys stay in her bed until the day after. But there is something about him… That morning, she was getting ready for work and he surprised her with a very spontaneous approach. A connection, just a moment of sex after she got out of the shower…

For a full read, download the pdf for free.

You can download the pdf right here, for free, of course.

Download Hot Reflections (2.2 Mb)

It would be great to hear your feedback and if you like it be sure to tweet about it! (@lucieblush).


1 Comment
  1. […] an official title yet, but its code name is Hot Reflections, because it is based on the eponymous short story I wrote a while ago. This short film be see the light at the end of September. I am very excited to make a piece […]

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