Lucie Blush at the Feminist Porn Awards #1

Hey everybody, you probably know that this week is going to be a bit different. I’m not going to blog as often since I’m in Toronto for the Feminist Porn Awards 2014, organized by Good For Her.

However, I’m going to keep you in the loop and tell you about my trip!

Day 1, Wednesday: So far, it’s been pretty boring, since I’ve been on the plane all day. Took the first flight at 6am to Amsterdam, then a second one to Toronto. Blankets, movies, lots of plane food and mini drinks. A quick interview at customs that made me feel like I was smuggling drugs. I was just a bit nervous that my passport didn’t have a microchip, but everything went well, and so I was, on Canadian soil. First thing I did was leave my wallet at the bus stand, but Canadians are the best, and a nice guy brought it back to me. That nightmare avoided, I put myself together and rode on the subway into town. No doubt, I was in Canada! An hour in, I already spotted two squirrels, and a starbucks offering a maple treat.



I walked all the way to the house I’m staying out in Little Italy. So far, so good!
I was exhausted so got a fish burger and got to bed. 15 hours later, rise up sunshine! It’s 0 celsius degrees outside and the sun is shining. Tonight is the first event of the FPAs: hanging out at Good For Her, then pre-screening of a few films, including Alice Inside, Q&As and party on!

Day 2, Thursday: This was very interesting. I got to the Good For Her store at 7:30 for the pre-party.

Good For Her are the ones who organize the FPAs, and I was welcome with snacks and wine! I went upstairs and I was able to meet everybody, filmmakers, actors.. I was able to put faces on names, I met Jon Pressick, who interviewed me on his blog Sex In Words a while ago, I also met with Ms Naughty, whose site Bright Desire I’ve been promoting here, and the awesome Jennifer Lyon Bell who was presenting her latest film, Silver Shoes, starring my all time crush, Liandra Dahl. I met actress and director Zahra Stardust, the almighty Tristan Taormino, Indie Porn Revolution master Courtney Trouble, and Paul Deeb whose short Mistress I reviewed here a while ago, Shine Louise Houston, founder of Pink and White productions… After filling up on white wine and cookies, we all headed to the Hot Docs Cinema, where we found a queue of people waiting to get in to watch the screenings!



We got to sit at the front and after a few words from the event sponsors, Slixa, we briefly introduced ourselves, and the screening began.


I was really impressed with the films out there, and it was really amazing that we were all watching porn together, as something positive and awesome.
Watching my film on the big screen was pretty horrendous personally, but I think people liked it as I got pretty good feedback. I could only see the flaws in it, but I guess that’s the filmmaker’s burden!
Anyway, it was great to see all these people coming to see something different. It was pretty packed!


Then, we all got up there on the stage for a short Q&A session, we only had time to say a few words each about how this year’s selection showed a very performative side of porn.


After that, most of us went to the Steady Cafe for some after party. We got to talk about the films, our experience and projects. I think we all got very inspired by the work we saw, it got us to think about our own projects, about how we can make them better, it was a real motivation shoot!

Got to bed at about 2am, I was exhausted but could barely sleep because I was still really excited about that amazing night!

To be continued!

EDIT: Read about the rest of my exciting porn trip here!

  1. […] the rest of my FPA adventure! Spoiler alert: I won an honourable website award for […]

  2. […] fun, vintage and kink, you will definitely love Rubber Bordello. The trailer below was screened at Public. Provocative. Porn., and won the Feminist Award for Hottest Kink Movie the day […]

  3. […] I went to the Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto, I had the pleasure of meeting filmmaker Cheyenne Picardo, and Remedy is her first feature film […]

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