A Custom-Made Fantasy, Lucie Blush’s new porn film!

Hey everybody! I am very excited to release, today, my new film! It’s called A Custom-Made Fantasy…

A Custom-Made Fantasy, by Lucie Blush

Ok, so it took me longer than I thought to make another film. I find it really hard to find the right couple, since you know I only shoot real-life couples. But then I found Pol and Juliet, and it was love at first sight. They accepted to embody this fantasy and play the roles of Raquel and Toni. See, the film is about two girls (me and my friend Raquel) talking on the phone about how they could spice up Raquel’s love life with her long-term boyfriend Toni. We imagine a scene together, where Raquel and Toni meet, outside of time and reality. No more worrying about work or their daily life, just sex! They can find each other again, and act on our words, play on our imagination, and let themselves go wild.

I used the off voice again, but in a different way, as I’m still on a mission to dig inside a woman’s head -mine, especially-, and give a female perspective. Not that all women have the same fantasies, far from that, but at least it’s one woman, one point of view.

The goal of this project is to show something sexy, sensual, not mechanic like much mainstream porn, with a focus on female pleasure and thoughts, with a real-life couple that’s capable of transmitting genuine passion and connection.

I’m leaving tomorrow for Toronto for the Feminist Porn Awards – so excited! – but as soon as I come back I will post a whole article about Juliet and Pol, since they were kind enough to answer my questions!

So, here’s the uncensored trailer of the film.

>> Watch the whole film now <<

1 Comment
  1. […] nouveau film de Lucy Blush est sorti mardi. Intitulé A Custom-Made Fantasy, il raconte l’histoire de deux jeunes […]

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