‘Love’ – 3D porn by Gaspar Noe

Everybody is commenting on the current Cannes festival, from films to celebrity dresses and even the height of female guests’ heels. They’re also talking about Gaspar Noe’s new film, Love, a 3D two-hour-long explicit movie about an American guy and his girlfriend Elektra when they decide to include another woman into their relationship.

Love, Sex & Porn

I’ve read positive and negative reviews about the film, but no matter if you like it or not, I think it’s pretty amazing to see porn at a mainstream film festival.

As soon as you say pornographic people get scared, but the film talks about people being in love from a sexual stance. To represent sex it’s hard not to film the genitalia. Noe says.

I personally love Noe, from Irreversible – although I never quite forgave him for that one, I can take the tube at night without thinking about it – to the mind-blowing Enter The Void.

love cannes festival

The film also seems to feature Noe’s great talent for beautiful camera work. I think it gives another dimension to porn. It shows it full of humanity, unlike the common soulless porn we’re used to.

If you search the internet for ‘Love’ 50% of the images you find will be [sexually] explicit. I was making a film about love. It wasn’t about Swiss banks or Scientology. Why not show what that means?

Noe added that it would have been difficult to shoot this film in the US, since Europe seems to be more open-minded – personally, I don’t see that, living in Europe myself, but anyway…

Enjoy the trailer!

1 Comment
  1. Dionysus Bachuss

    May 27, 2015 11:47 am

    I’m going to watch the movie as soon as I can. Like you Lucie, I have read lots of differing comments about it. Noe’s film irreversible was a bit too dark for me. I felt especially uncomfortable during the NINE MINUTE rape scene.

    Sex that is portrayed as naturally as can be is a winner in my books. European cinema has the US beaten hands down in this regard.

    PS I love your blog and your sassy attitude. Keep up the great work.


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