Music, sex and cinema with Stoya and Adanowsky

It seems porn stars are getting trendy in the mainstream world. The adored Stoya keeps extending her array of skills by performing in Adanowsky’s new music video ‘Would You Be Mine’. It’s basically a colorful four-minute-long orgasm filled with props, textures and semi explicit sex. Check it out.

Stoya and Adanowsky

I didn’t know who Adan Jodorowsky – a.k.a Adanowsky – was, before I googled him. Apparently, he’s this big Latin American superstar whose dad, Alejandro, is an icon of Chilean cinema and director of this clip.

The video is about the decadence and beauty of the world, influenced by artists such as Buñuel, Rembrandt, Fellini or Pablo Neruda.

stoya adanowsky

It’s quite kitsch and totally awesome in its own, exaggerated way. Stoya and Adan rub their private parts in an exotic and quite thick atmosphere.

What do you think?

Would You Be Mine – Adanowsky from Angel Gasca on Vimeo.

  1. Jomo

    May 12, 2015 6:24 pm

    Brilliant! It’s like some weird rocky horror picture show porn scene : ) Brilliantly shot, couldn’t take my eyes away. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tars

    May 14, 2015 8:03 pm

    Well, not my kind of music, but it is always nice to watch Stoya. I don’t think if it is the first time, a porn actress is seen in mainstream world.

    If I remember right, Eminem put a lot pornstars in his videos (Lisa Ann, Jenna Jameson, Sasha Grey), and the Bloodhound Gang even made a tribute for Chasey Lain. And I would also think about Traci Lords, who played in a lot of non adult movies and series after her porn career.

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