Lena’s New Man by JoyBear

Hey everybody, there is a new site out there called JoyBear.com, and it made it to my Best Porn Sites list! It’s for couples who are looking to watch some quality porn. I’ve been checking it out and I have to say I’ve found a couple of scenes that are definitely hot! Here’s one of them: Lena’s new man.

Lena’s New Man, by JoyBear

It looks pretty fresh and modern. The guy, Ryan Ryder, is totally yummy, and the sex looks really hot and passionate. The intention is definitely to make both women and men have a good time, by showing hot actors having genuine fun. JoyBear won the Feminist Porn Awards last year, so it’s worth checking out!

Lena (Ava Dalush) is in her 20s. She’s clever, “cosmopolitan”, as they say, but she’s having a hard time because of the pressure of finding the perfect boyfriend, the perfect job, the perfect home… So she decides to just have some fun…

lena's new man

1 Comment
  1. […] the movie Lena, by UK newcomers JoyBear? In the scene I told you about, she has sexy sex with Ryan Ryder – […]

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