
Good Porn

Alter Echoes : Sex and Microphones {preview video}

Alter Echoes is an ongoing series of sound-based experiments. I already mentioned it a couple of times as I released two tapes of the experiment. In the preview below, you'll be able to see what it's all about. Alter Echoes - Everything is music Sadie Lune, and Rebecca Dorothy - whom you may recognize from…

DAWN, a psychedelic porno movie

It has been almost two years since we shot the first scenes of DAWN. This project wasn't a done deal. I had to hold on to it for a long time, and I'm happy I never gave up. I'm very proud of this film. It's different than anything else I've done in the past. It's…

Fresh ‘solo’ scene to survive the summer, with Alicia

When you browse porn, you tend to think that you're bound to find something you like in the sea of adult clips, but it's not actually that easy to find even a decent scene sometimes. A scene that doesn't make you cringe or skip to the end out of fear of seeing some fucked up…

New MSG! Hilarious porno scenario #1

We all know the stereotypical porno scenarios. The pizza delivery guy, the swimming pool maintenance guy, the cheating guy who offers his wife to join him and his mistress. And we all laugh at that. However, living in the 'alt porn' age doesn't keep us from being exposed to ultra cheesy plots. It seems that…

Inspired with Anneke Necro and Sade

What inspires you to drive your hands down your pants? Sometimes an atmosphere, a song, a memory can get us started, so I guess it's pretty ironic I made a porno from this idea. Inspired is my new film, available on Inspired Anneke Necro only shoots with her real-life boyfriend, Sade, which is why…

New video with Lenore and Heartsucker

Summer is coming. The horizon brightens. And keeps on bringing us natural scenes to enjoy from under the blanket. Here's Lenore and Heartsucker. Lenore and Heartsucker I've actually met these two before and they're a really cute couple on a mission to widen their sexual experiences together. It's not…

Awesome new porn site for couples

The pornorama is definitely evolving and alternative and mainstream are merging together. There is new site, called Couples Cinema, where you can find a pleasant mix of movies, to watch alone or with your other half. Couples Cinema The productions available on the site range from Michelle Flynn's Momentum series, Joybear shorts, Signe Baumane's illustrated…

Alter Echoes – When sex makes music

Hi everybody, it's been a while. I've taken a whole new direction in my life and that also influences my work. This is why I've been thinking of new projects, and this is why I'm telling you about Alter Echoes, today. I have just published my latest work, the second tape from Alter Echoes, a…

My new film is up – The Feminist Fantasy

When I was a little girl, my parents used to tell me I had no sense of humour. I took that very seriously, of course. I was already a feminist! Today, humour is vital to survive the level of stupidity in our flashy, material world. And I'm not a feminist anymore, so I thought I…

‘Je m’excite’ with Romy Furie

In January I had the honour to shoot with Romy Furie, together we made a film called Je m’excite, a visual love letter that celebrates the splendour of self-love. Shooting with Romy was an amazing experience, she’s a confident & strong woman who knows how to subtlety seduce with just one glance. ♥ [eafl id="55924" name="CommonSensual…

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