Awesome new porn site for couples

The pornorama is definitely evolving and alternative and mainstream are merging together. There is new site, called Couples Cinema, where you can find a pleasant mix of movies, to watch alone or with your other half.

Couples Cinema

The productions available on the site range from Michelle Flynn’s Momentum series, Joybear shorts, Signe Baumane’s illustrated animations and a lot more cool stuff to browse through.

signe baumane couples cinema

One thing you can always count on, is that porn is great at reinventing itself.  It’s definitely refreshing to see alternative producers have a platform to broadcast their films. That way, you can also be sure that they get paid for their work and get more exposure as well. Speaking from experience, I know that original pornographers have trouble with promotion, torn between publishing our work either on mainstream video sites like youtube or vimeo and constantly fear being banned and posting it on adult tube sites where our films basically go to die.

I believe there are already people working on reducing this gap and CC is working towards that, even though it is still, purely, a porn site.

Not all directors available on the platform are of my liking but I’m sure you will have fun deciding that for yourself.


  1. Carmina

    May 5, 2018 2:13 pm

    Personally I find most of the New Sensations films just as soulless as any porn (just because some have a woman director doesn’t always make a difference – they still pander to a reactionary ideology)

    Momentum are good though – real people, less pornified relationships

  2. Neoteric

    July 30, 2018 6:42 pm

    Thanks for the recommendations. 🙂

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