New video with Lenore and Heartsucker

Summer is coming. The horizon brightens. And Bright Desire keeps on bringing us natural scenes to enjoy from under the blanket. Here’s Lenore and Heartsucker.

Lenore and Heartsucker

I’ve actually met these two before and they’re a really cute couple on a mission to widen their sexual experiences together. It’s not one of these videos where it’s a fake couple with fake names. It’s actually a window into the intimacy of a real couple.

Don’t ask me about the nickname Heartsucker, though!

I also know that Ms Naughty, the director, cares about her performers’ comfort and thrives on letting them be themselves, for the good of her art.

If you like cosy natural scenes, this is for you! Watch it here!

bright desire lenore

1 Comment
  1. Singa

    June 7, 2018 5:21 pm

    Supporting you is important…you’re doing a greta thing, making awesome art porn. It’s awesome to finally see a woman out there doing there own thing and speaking up for herself, I’m tired hearing from the SJW cunts always whining. I say shit your mouth unless it;s open to take a dick. Thank you for making this great material for everyone to enjoy.

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