My new film is up – The Feminist Fantasy

When I was a little girl, my parents used to tell me I had no sense of humour. I took that very seriously, of course. I was already a feminist! Today, humour is vital to survive the level of stupidity in our flashy, material world. And I’m not a feminist anymore, so I thought I would add a pinch of humour and sarcasm into my porn routine. Everything can be laughed at. And everyone. That’s how we become self-aware. We can’t do it on our own, in our little safe space. Humour is there to dissipate the bullshit and hopefully push some buttons. Being triggered is the best opportunity to analyze ourselves and see our behavior from another perspective. Humour is there to help us process things. The best way to fight against something is not to take it seriously. We make our own reality. Our canvas keeps evolving with experiences.

Feminism is an outdated joke. There is nothing an empowered person can’t do. Being a victim only brings torment. The world is our playground. Let’s challenge ourselves.

Watch The Feminist Fantasy

Blake May Wilde and Joe Hara role play the Feminist Fantasy

Getting this real life couple to perform in this scene was fate. A couple of performers had canceled a few days before the shoot but Blake emailed me and suggested her boyfriend Joe and herself perform in my new project. I was afraid they might not like the script, which is pretty controversial, but they loved it and understood my message right away.

They actually often role play this fantasy in their private life, so it wasn’t hard for them to reveal their own connection during the shoot.

She says no. He insists. She pretends not to want it. He knows it. And he goes for it, despite what she says. No means no, sometimes…

Check out Blake’s Twitter page.

feminist fantasy blake may wilde

1 Comment
  1. Janee

    February 12, 2018 8:42 am


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