Fresh erotic photography by Ortie

You know when you find something and think Damn… That’s good stuff! Well, that is what Ortie’s work is for me. It’s fresh, beautiful and it has its own style. Get to know a little bit more about her and check out my favorite collections below!

Badass photographer

She’s a young woman from France who lives between Paris and Nantes. I’ve actually already talked to you about her since I featured her erotic films Skuffuskald and Jah+Dwam x Velvet Nest here on She also takes a ton of super cool photos, with boobies, tattoos, light and sweetness. She works with lots of cool people, like Suicide Girls and Sacha Kimmes (most of their stuff is on my wishlist…).

I think a lot of her work is daring but in an elegant, sensitive way that makes it different from many artists around.

Check out her work here and also follow her on facebook and twitter.

ortie suicide girls

ortie suicide girls

ortie suicide girls

Some of my favorite collections are Après L’amour and Intimate. It’s pretty and sexy at the same time. No additives.

Après l’amour

She managed to show raw intimacy in a beautiful, unpretentious way. These are scenes we know and feel and which depicts a very special moment after sex, when all is good in the world. No fancy sets needed, just intimacy, connection and awesomeness.

Après l'amour ortie

Après l'amour ortie

Après l'amour ortie

Après l'amour ortie



Not the typical work about nudity. This collection is sensual, almost romantic in a very punkish way, like a big fuck you to all the cheesy nudity out there. Bye bye taboos and hello free bodies, fun, pleasure and life.

intimate ortie

intimate ortie

intimate ortie

intimate ortie

intimate ortie



1 Comment
  1. […] film. And this one is special as well. Crystalline is a collaboration between Four Chambers and Ortie, a French photographer I told you about a while […]

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