Skúffuskáld, an erotic fantasy that will bright up your Friday

This video, called Skúffuskáld, is brought to us by a very interesting group of people: Ortie and Nur, a couple of “grungy” erotic models, Fia Yaqub film directors, ihaveawhitepussy, a brand of sexy underwear by a Belgian designer, and Photographer Rémy Chapeaublanc.

When you mix the whole thing, it gives you an erotic, pastel, sweet fantasy about two girls getting together.


An Icelandic word that means “drawer poet”, or someone who writes poems and hides them away, as Liesl explains. The clip is definitely highly artistic. It’s not completely explicit and still makes our special parts get warmer.

I like that it’s not gay, as opposed to straight. It’s just erotic and gorgeous.

The short film was selected among other artistic shorts for the Fringe Festival and Who Art You contest.

Skúffuskáld erotic video Skúffuskáld erotic video

The main character is Ortie, but here’s another video in which Nur is the protagonist, again featuring ihaveawhitepussy.


I do, yes, but that’s not the point, is it? Their knickers are absolutely beautiful. They’re made in Belgium, since the ethical and transparent company opened in 2009.

A little anecdote: the name comes from the little white cat that the designer adopted at the time.

Have a look at their collection!

ihaveawhitepussy underwear ihaveawhitepussy underwear

  1. […] and Rémi Chapeaublanc, whom you may remember from the beautiful film Skúffuskáld, directed this video and I have to say that the result is very cool. The music and the style of the […]

  2. Fia Yaqub – Lola — Le Tag Parfait

    December 16, 2013 10:23 am

    […] a également réalisé une courte vidéo intitulée Skúffuskáld, très vite remarquée par…Lucie Blush. Quelque chose nous dit qu’on va vite vous reparler de la jeune […]

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