3 crazy erotic short films in black and white

On the menu today, turtles, masturbation, dogs and ice cream! Don’t worry, they’re not all mixed together in one strange video… but in three! When I browse the web to fetch you the best, most erotic videos online, I often stumble upon some weird stuff. These three erotic short films though, all have something sensual to them, in all their weirdness.

Dystopie de Corps Puisque

This film by Jonaan Gyllenör is surprisingly explicit. It was shot during a day without any script. It mixes black and white sexual images with shots of a dog and a turtle. I’m not too clear on the meaning of this, but I know that the voice over narration are lines from the 1967 film “2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle” by French director Jean-Luc Godard, who was a big fan of the marxist philosophy and existentialism.

The images are beautiful, check it out. More on the Fenneck Film facebook page.

Dystopie de Corps Puisque (2014) from Fennek Film on Vimeo.

Comfort eating

This dark short film was brought to us by Marc Blackie and his DisappointedVirginity production. It’s weird, fun, completely crazy and definitely hot. Blackie explores the corners of his sexual mind and the nature of eroticism via film and photography. You can check out all his films on his site.

Comfort Eating from Marc Disappointed on Vimeo.


This short film by Mauri Lehtonen is the perfect thing to have on during an orgy at a big mansion, just to set the mood!

Inanna from Mauri Lehtonen on Vimeo.

  1. Marc Blackie

    April 30, 2015 1:24 pm


    Just a quick note that my film that you have featured at:

    has disappeared due to vimeo deleting a previous account on grounds of “pornographic content”.

    I have made a new account, which I am keeping the “harder” stuff away from to save it from further online bullying (!) and if you would like to fix the link the film can now be found in this little corner of the web:


    Thank you, by the way, for featuring my work – it’s very much appreciated and I enjoy your site.


    • Lucie Blush

      April 30, 2015 8:09 pm

      Done! Thanks for letting me know 🙂
      Keep up the good work!

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