Win premium access to the NSFW Bundle!

Win, you said? Well yes, my dear, naughty readers. This is a special surprise for you, and 6 of you will win premium access the Vodo’s NSFW Bundle!

The contest is closed! I will announce the winners tonight and send a private message to the lucky commenters. Thank you all for participating!

What is that? What would I win?

It’s a collection of indie erotic or pornographic films, books, music, games… The goal is to promote sex positivity and alternative views on sexuality, porn and erotica. I think it’s really awesome because this initiative offers a new way of enjoying nsfw content, and allows us to discover art that might have stayed hidden behind all the mainstream BS.

The way the project works is that whatever you pay unlocks a certain level. There are three levels, and if you win this contest, you will be able to enjoy them ALL!

The first level -worth $16- includes Chester 5000, Animal Chuki – Nativa, Labour of Love, and Dinner Date.

Then the second level – worth $60 – unlocks LA Vampires – Sounds of Lovers EP, Vampire Hookers, Seduce MeMy Girlfriend Is The Presendent and Gilvert: A Porno Memoir, which looks pretty awesome. It’s a book about proclaimed “girl-pervert” Oriana Small, AKA Ashley Blue, giving a raw, hot-blooded account of a decade in and out of the adult film industry, amidst abundant bodily fluids, superhuman sex, and numerous degradations.

You can get more info about each film on the bundle page right here.












And finally, with the third level – worth $41 (for a total of $117) – you’d unlock Erika Lust’s acclaimed feature films Cabaret Desire and XConfessions, as well as Madison Young‘s Daddy. And cherry on top of the cake, if you watch Cabaret Desire, you can find me in there (with my clothes on), so if you like playing Where’s Waldo, you can also play Where’s Lucie with this one!

Madison Young is a kink performer and porn star, and Daddy is her autobiography. She’s had a lot of daddies in her life, from father to leather daddies, and you’ll get to know them all in this book!

alex1-628x360daddy madison young









How can I win the NSFW Bundle?

You can get a chance to win the bundle by commenting on this post and explaining why you think you deserve this dose of indie porn! You could tell me how you’ll enjoy this gift, if you’re going to enjoy it alone or with someone… Surprise me!

Important: You have until next Monday, March 3rd, 6pm (so let’s say 10 am for our readers over the Atlantic) to participate, so don’t miss it! I’ll announce the winners on Monday night!

Click here to participate!

About Vodo

Vodo is a team of artists, musicians, filmmakers, writers… from all around the world, who work on building new revenue models for film, games, books and music. They focus on indie culture and digital format. Every purchase supports the Center For Sex And Culture, dedicated to promoting a healthy, sex-positive culture.

Of course, you know I’m curious, so I asked the Vodo team a few questions to help us understand exactly what it’s all about, and they kindly replied to me:

– How did it all start?

VODO is a team of filmmakers, musicians, artists, writers and technologists, spread from Bristol to Berlin to Vancouver to China. We’re dedicated to finding amazing content online and collaborating with creators to distribute it in a way that rewards their vision and hard work. We started out partnering with filmmakers and filesharing sites, sharing film for free and and offering multimedia goodies as a bonus if people paid, which had some great successes. With our bundles, we’ve developed that principle as a way of enriching engagement with specific themes we choose to curate. The NSFW bundle is our third release of this kind and it’s been a blast researching it and forming relationships with people producing/representing hot, wild and weird media.

– What would you like to achieve with the bundle?

With the NSFW bundle, we’re trying to promote alternative exploratory views around sex and sexuality, support sex-positivity and help the Center for Sex & Culture. The CSC is a great non-profit in San Francisco that offers judgement-free education and events to audiences across the sexual and gender spectrum, as well as framing issues of public policy and public health. They were recommended to us by Madison Young whose BDSM memoir, Daddy, is available in the bundle and who generously helped us with the promotional video for the project.

– What are VODO’s upcoming projects?

Last year we launched our first bundle, working with creators across film, indie games, books and audio related to cult American horror writer, H.P. Lovecraft. We followed up with one on privacy and surveillance, presented by Wikileaks co-founder, Dominic Domscheit-Berg. Next up after the NSFW bundle we’re doing sci-fi, drawing together a collection of great work related to UFOs/the Other. Following that, we’ll explore and promote another key social issue before coming back to NSFW at the end of the year. There’s a load more hot stuff out there – let’s talk Lucie Blush for a start!

So if you’d like win this, you know what you have to do! Go to the comment section below and tell me why you deserve it…

  1. Laura

    February 26, 2014 8:45 pm

    I deserve the bundle because….I really get off on imagining my boyfriend and I are starring in a porn film when we’re having sex and I need some inspiration of moves to pull on him so I can surprise him and turn him on – and turn me on even more!!

  2. Angel R. Rivera (@gypsylib)

    February 26, 2014 9:30 pm

    I think I deserve the bundle for a few reasons. One, it sounds like a fun and unique set of items that would not only be fun and read to watch on my own, but also to share with the Better Half. Also, as a librarian with some, shall we say, diverse interests, some of these are materials that I might not be able to easily access, and they would help expand my reading horizon. Plus, they just sound like great fun.

    Best, and keep on blogging.

  3. Madame Bijoux

    February 27, 2014 8:29 am

    Why do I deserve the bundle? Well…I find the above selection to sound *super* erotic and surely stimulating. And while I don’t have a specific (read: more than one) significant other, I would surely not only be watching this alone, but with my selected lovers (Think of all that exposure – literally ;)). Finally, I am more than eager to play ‘Where’s Lucie?’, although I am a little disappointed the clothes stay *on*…

  4. Edeneve

    February 27, 2014 5:54 pm

    I think I ought to win this bundle so I can have a sampling of porn. I’m new to porn and would enjoy the opportunity to see several of these erotic stories. Initially, I will be watching these movies alone. Hopefully, I can introduce them to my partner so we can watch them together

  5. Edeneve

    February 27, 2014 6:09 pm

    I’m really into music created for an erotic touch whether for foreplay or actual sex. Or, it’s sensuality adds to the whole experience of sexual pleasure. I thoroughly enjoy the mood it puts me in. I have just two CD’s and would love to add to my very small collection.

    Having games sounds fun. I can’t wait to play them with my partner. I know he’d be open to playing them. Sounds like a fun and exciting experience.

    Being an avid reader, I can see me reading the erotic stories as a prelude to playing solo with my sex toys. How fun! The pieces I could read would give me great visualizations during my play time.

    I really do need this bundle. I so want to add to my sexual experiences. This bundle will certainly do that.

  6. @Xxspe

    February 28, 2014 6:31 pm

    I shall win because I used the word ‘shall’ but also because I’m an indie myself but in videogame development!

    So playing an Indie Erotic Game for me is like combining everything I like in one product!!! So exciting, so… BRB.

  7. Euphie Currell

    March 2, 2014 2:08 pm

    I would love to win one of your bundles. I am pretty new to porn. Spent years convinced that ‘feminist porn’ didn’t truly exist and that porn was inherently exploitative until I chanced on a comment by someone on the internet “I am a feminist & I love COCK.” That lodged in the back of my brain and I couldn’t shake it off so went hunting for female friendly porn. Quickly found that that search criteria was a joke and just pushed you to main stream porn sites which had nothing interesting to offer. I did however come across some blogs and discovered women enjoying gay porn. What a revelation – I was immediately hooked and I had no idea why. I now realise why – the men were gorgeous, the camera concentrated on male pleasure which was fascinating to me; there were no women with fake breasts, hair, orgasms etc. Most of all I got the impression that the men genuinely loved what they were doing and that was just so erotic. After sharing this with my long-time partner he was intrigued and set off on his own search as he didn’t find my gay porn much of a turn on for him. He discovered shibari and that opened up a load more kinky doors for us both. We are now desperately looking for something we can enjoy together and are struggling to find it. I still have a bit of a hang up with women in porn but can say that porn has transformed our sex lives over the past 6 months so we won’t be giving up the search and would love to play Where’s Lucie even if you have your clothes on.

  8. Pablo E. -Fidel- Martínez López

    March 3, 2014 12:30 pm

    I am not sure I *deserve* the “dose of indie porn”, but I’m sure I **need it**! My girlfriend and me, almost 4 years toghether, we are having troubles regarding our couple. We love each other dearly, and we want to be toghether, BUT we are having serious sexual mismatches. I am very sexual and she is not so (or that’s what she thinks and insist in saying…). And, as I am complety decided to stay faithful to her, I *need* to help her discovering her sexuality.
    We have been consulting several experts on sexuality, and the last and best of them, she has suggested “erotic movies” to her… and they worked!!! The problem is that our knowledge of those kinds of movies is limited. So, looking to expand our possibilites I started surfing the web for erotic movies that were made by women… and I found you and femporn. And I’m sure it is an excellent way to boost her for our (she and I) mutual pleasure and benefit.
    I was always uncomfortable with classic porn. I was amazed by amateurs scenes where women actually experiment real pleasure. And if my girlfriend can share that with me, it will be glorious.
    You have one of the keys… will you share it with us?

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