What you should know before doing porn

I receive a lot of emails from people who would like to try themselves at porn or even become a serious porn actor. So here are few tips that might help you out if you’re considering fucking on camera.

If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the article and I’ll get back to you.

Ask questions

I realize porn is seen as something easy to do but the practical aspect of it is surrounded with mystery and taboos. How do I actually get to be on a shoot? How does it work? Is it safe? How long do I have to be… ‘up’? How many people will there be on the set?

So many questions whose answers actually depend on each production company. You should ask all these questions before setting a date. For example, if you want to work with Erika Lust, know that it would be like a regular cinema set, with one make up artist, one stylist, several camera people, assistants, caterers… Other directors like myself like to keep the team reduced for a more intimate atmosphere. It really depends on how comfortable you are in front of the camera and what kind of experience you want to take out of it.

lucie blush

Do your research

Doing porn should not be too easy. If it seems too easy, be cautious. Do your research. Find a few production companies that seem to align with the style you have in mind. I mean, nowadays, it’s not just about getting paid to fuck. There are actually many production companies that have their own philosophy and aesthetic. Take the time to check out some of their work and read interviews by the actors. It is YOUR job to research prior to getting naked. You will have to take an STD test and sign a release form. In Germany, tests are pretty expensive so the producers often pay for it themselves but in Spain, taking an STD test is very easy and cheap and you get the results on your phone 24 hours later. In this case actors usually take care of it themselves.

You also need to know that even if you’re working for, let’s say, a fancy membership site, you might still find yourself in preview or pirated videos on tube sites.

Besides, a production company being ‘feminist’ does NOT mean that it is ethical and will treat you right. Ask about how they do their work.

Once you are online, you’re there forever

With the rate at which videos are downloaded and shared, today, there is little chance that you can, one day, erase all the naked content of you, believe me. So you need to be prepared for that. It’s like a tattoo, you won’t think of it much for years and you can even hide it for a long time but it’s always going to be there. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.

It’s not all glamour

Shooting a film, porno or not, is always somewhat of a tedious affair. You have to wait between scenes, you have to reshoot some dialogue, one, two, three times. I can’t really go into detail about how other directors do it, but, on my shoots, we do the dialogue or non-sex part first, so the actors can have time to get confident and get out of their shell. Shooting dialogue can be funny because very few porn actors can actually act, so, directing is not always an easy job. I have to direct but without repeating the scene a hundred times otherwise you jeopardize the excitement and anticipation for the sex scene.

dawn barbie and ken

‘And then, they fuck’

That’s usually how my scripts end. I can’t really elaborate more on the sex scene because I leave that part out for the actors. My film is in their hands. I love to see the unique chemistry that comes out of every shoot. Some directors will direct you in the sex too, though.

Turn around. Don’t move! What if you turn your head that way? Pause, I’m gonna take some photos.

If you’re really comfortable in front of the camera, that might be alright for you, but from my experience, I know that it just breaks the flow and makes you feel more like a bag of potatoes than a human being. Ask about that before you confirm.

A shooting can last up to eight hours. Wait for two hours, fuck for 20 minutes, then wait again, then fuck again. I like my shootings short, around 4 to 5 hours total, which is better for the actors and for me. We’re shooting sex for crying out loud.

Also, I don’t like scripting the post-sex scene. It’s usually very difficult to focus enough after the sex to get back into dialogue-shooting mode. I like to grab the spontaneous come down after the sex. It’s like the sauce left in a plate, it’s the best part.

feminist fantasy by lucie blush

Psychologically speaking

I can’t really talk for men, although I know they get even more nervous than women, understandably so. I think that, no matter male or female, the psychological consequences of doing porn are not to be ignored. It’s just like taking psychedelics, the set and the atmosphere are of the utmost importance, which really shows how powerful sex can be. So, make sure you don’t make compromises on things that are important to you. Understand why you are doing it. The only regrets I have from doing porn are from performing for other directors and realizing that their vision of what ‘ethical’ means is miles away from mine.

Remember that you are giving away your privacy, something deeply valuable, to the director. Make sure they treat it with respect.

I know that, today, sex is cool and previous generations don’t get it, but your sex is not something to be toyed with or sold to scoundrels. If I can give one piece of advice, try to see it as an experience, like going sky diving. Make sure you trust the people there and don’t fall into the ‘popularity’ hole that taking your clothes off might momentarily offer you.

Wolves have many different apparels these days. Be smart. Be yourself. Say stop whenever you need to.

I’ll write another article soon about what to expect when you want to shoot and produce porn.

  1. Kate

    December 5, 2018 1:41 am

    How much do you get paid for a first time female performer? In a boy girl sense?

    • Lucie Blush

      December 9, 2018 10:36 am

      I would say at least 300/350 euros, but it depends on the production company. I wouldn’t go for anything lower, even for a first time.

  2. Michael

    February 7, 2019 7:40 pm

    Thank you for your article!
    I really consider working for a shoot in porn industry, especially for the experience. I think I have a plan now on how to find out if I am really into it.
    Cheers, Mike

    • Lucie Blush

      February 8, 2019 4:10 pm

      Good luck! Remember, you’re the star 🙂

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