The ugly side of porn – HIV scare in Spain

People like to think that porn is glamorous, sexy, carefree… Sorry to break that bubble but it’s definitely not ‘carefree’. And I’m not here to charm you into believing in a fake reality. This is a site for adults, so we can talk about everything that the adult world throws at us. We all have sex and we all know about STDs, so let’s not shove the topic under the carpet and pretend it doesn’t matter.

Dream VS Reality

The reason why I’m bringing this up today is because an adult actor from Spain contracted HIV in February. All Spanish production companies had to freeze their shoots featuring couples. This is the actual protocol here, in Spain. However, just like the internet, sex has no borders and this sad news rippled throughout Europe. A lot of actors, from the mainstream and alternative worlds, travel for work. It’s actually very common, which explains why everybody heard the alert. The companies that kept shooting were blacklisted and performers who started working again before the end of the quarantine, too.

Basically, we all agreed to start shooting couple scenes again from mid-March. I waited a little bit longer just to be safe. 45 days is usually the time frame that allows enough testing to be done to make sure the performer is safe, which is why I posted only solo scenes this month.

Now, wearing condoms is not compulsory. Of course, everybody gets tested beforehand, but, as we can see, tests are not always 100% valid because a lot can happen between the moment you get tested and the moment you have sex on set. Performers were asked to wear protection in their private life, too.
Yeah… Sex is complicated these days!


What I get from this is that, everybody should be careful. It’s useless to panic, but it’s also necessary to realize that sex is risky, for performers and private people. Going out of your house is risky, crossing the street, too. So let’s use common sense!

The actor who got infected said that porn fans don’t want condoms, so he didn’t wear any. I can understand that, but if you are a prolific actor, it would be good to make the effort of wearing protection, as we all share the consequences. We would love to promise a dream world of risk-free sex to the audience, but it can too quickly turn into a nightmare.

I wish him all the best though and I really hope he will be alright.


That’s the thing. I appreciate all the performers who have worked for me. They are not on my set so I can squeeze the sex juice out of them and throw them away later, which is why quality has to be chosen over quantity. There are so many horror stories, men injecting themselves with chemicals to ensure their erection on demand, abuse toward performers – hey sweetie, blow the director before we start, ok?!

One cannot be too careful. Sorry to be the party-pooper here, but sex has to be enjoyed in a mature way too, like everything else.

Anyway. I’m shooting with Silvia Rubi and Sylvan tomorrow evening. I usually offer to go buy condoms before the shoot but trojans are tricky! The size, the feel… So he will be bringing his own. That way, he will be more comfortable,

As always, I’ll keep you posted…

1 Comment
  1. Zed

    March 25, 2020 9:05 pm

    In what world is porn sexy or glamorous?
    The norm has shifted from focusing on real and expressive moments of pleasure to violence and hatred personified into a disgustingly brutal act.
    I don’t think we can have a bright future ahead of us if this generation adopts this sort of take on sex, especially with the teens nowadays growing up and believing that this is what a connection between two lovers is imposed to be- disrespectful and abusive. What sort of world will we create normalizing aggression over intimacy?

    The top trends on Pornhub are now constantly about glamorizing a woman’s pain. This is a cause for alarm, but it seems many men have accepted it as normal and women have internalized misogyny to the point they believe their attractiveness and desirability hinges their willingness to degrade themselves and tolerate pain. We need to let go of our “kinks” and look at this reality for a moment, and the very real consequences this has. Our character doesn’t change the second we step out of the bedroom, we carry this into our world, and the personal nature of sexuality colours every interaction we have, for better or worse. It’s clear it’s not trending for the better.

    I’m worried for our world. I hope we can one day look back on our embracing of dangerous and violent power dynamics as a remnant of our past that was worth letting go of, and instead build true intimacy and connection in all aspects of our lives, including sex.

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