The art of erotic webcamming {2 videos}

The webcam world is growing fast. A lot of people are attracted by the idea of being in front of the camera and showcasing themselves to strangers to provide an experience. The two videos I’ve selected show how exhilarating ‘webcamming’  can be.

1. Cam Girlz, a documentary about webcamming

This is a breathtaking documentary by Sean Dunne, about the women behind their webcams and about how they share their intimacy with the audience. The film breaks a lot of taboos about webcammers and helps us see how the performers create a bond with the people watching. It’s not just about jerking off and earning a few tokens anymore, but about creating an atmosphere, an experience to share with others.

Besides, it also shows how webcamming removes the middle men, allowing performers to manage their own time and content in such a way that they can truly express themselves and feel empowered by it, from the comfort of their own home.

Watch it here

CAM GIRLZ – Trailer from Sean Dunne on Vimeo.

2. Monitor II

In the Cam Girlz documentary featured above, you may recognize a familiar face. Vex, from Four Chambers, is part of this new artistic webcam wave, as she transforms webcamming into a sensual, hypnotizing moment.

monitor II : tease from Four Chambers on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. P from Holland

    April 9, 2015 10:01 pm

    Hi Lucy,
    Just a short shout-out that I applaud you for overcoming your reservations or insecurities, and express your sexuality openly. Let’s call it ‘leading by hot example’… I wish I was that brave.

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