Take The Leap To The New Year!

Remember Dirty Deeds? They’re the ones who brought us the NSFW Musical Chair video. Today, since it’s the last day of the year, I wanted to show you one of their latest works, the LeapFrog video! It’s simple: naked girls playing leapfrog. I thought it represented pretty well how we’re starting a new year tonight, and how I want it to be more open, more carefree, especially about our bodies and sexualities.

Let’s Play Leap Frog

A lot of goodies are coming your way next year, and it will all be about being more accepting of our bodies, about enjoying more genuine sex and porn.

In this video, you can hear the track “Hear”, by Dirty Deeds, which belongs to a series of new videos promoting the launch of the band’s new album “Let’s Be Friends”, by the C4ENT record label. The video and music were produced by Didier Tovel, and the film was directed by Charles Wahl.

I think it’s pretty freeing to watch these girls happily jump over each other. It makes me want to get naked and go crazy, which I won’t, because it’s still freezing here, but you get the idea. The song is very energizing and the fact that it’s 100% explicit makes me love Dirty Deeds even more! There’s no fear, no boredom. It’s all fun and nudity. I approve!

Naked Girls Playing LeapFrog from SNDWRX Audio Post Production on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. […] two videos from Dirty Deeds’ album Let’s be friends, in which naked people played leap frog and musical chairs. I was pleased to see that they released more videos and they’re really […]

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