

Get high on lube with Foria

Folks, we're going to talk about a sensitive topic today. Sensitive, indeed! My friends would say that I'm a weed lover. I like to indulge from time to time and my guess is that with the new Foria lubricant, this is not going to change. Get your vagina high So the way it works is…

Sex news : one step forward, two steps backwards

I'm a little bit behind on sex news so let me catch up with you. In terms of sexuality, the world is pretty confused, and that's the understatement of the day. Let me show you why, with a few things that I found this week on the Internetz. Sex is a market. We are constantly…

Sex news : Skirts, leather and pathological nudity

My conclusion of this week sex-related news is that we, the human race, are pretty confused about our bodies and how to cover them up - or not. Boys wearing skirts to fight against sexism Let's start with this great initiative by a French boy in high school who invited everybody, especially guys, to come…

Sex news: fun, hope and an audience

It's Sunday again my dear pervs, and this week sex news are all about sex with an audience! Films, documentary, music, magazines... It's all in front of the camera! 1. A Porno by Wes Anderson This is a really funny video of what a porn film would be like Wes Anderson style. The characters, the…

Sex News: Masturbation Month, Sexist Ads and Beer

A lot of things happened this week and my feed reader is getting a little crowded. The first thing is that, as Justin had warned us, May has come. May is not only famous for spring showers and jean jackets, but also for being Masturbation Month! I'm going to post a few interesting projects on…

Sex news: Tits, Expectations and Stiletto Shoes

Let's calm the fuck down*. Now that George Clooney is engaged, it's time to move on. People, sex and porn are loaded with expectations, stress, clichés and other unhealthy distractions. Don't believe me? Things I should stop thinking about thinking We'd think that boobs and sex are enough to be happy, but, like in the…

This week in porn, sex, fun and facepalm

I hope you're all binging on chocolate and feeling sick and eye rolling at your family, after all, that's what religious food holidays are for. After that, come check out the weekly sex news out here. Some of it is fun, some is sexy, some is enraging. Bubbleporn now in video You probably saw the…

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