I’m a little bit behind on sex news so let me catch up with you. In terms of sexuality, the world is pretty confused, and that’s the understatement of the day. Let me show you why, with a few things that I found this week on the Internetz.

Sex is a market. We are constantly developing new toys, new apps… Like 3nder, Tinder’s sibling in the field of instant dating, except this time, this app is for finding threesomes near you! I don’t really know how to pronounce it, but I know I like the idea – for me, everything that lessens the amount of conversation is a good idea. Anyways, these apps are considerably changing the way we date and have sex, but behind it all, it’s still a sexist corporation that, allegedly, harasses their female staff.

All is not bad though, since we also have vibrating harnesses and cannabis sex spray that gives women multiple orgasms.

vibrating harness tantus

So, in a world where women can spray pot on their genitals to climax but their bosses won’t pay for contraception or maternity leave because they suddenly feel close to God, it’s difficult to find even a trace of logic.

It seems like the time when Dr. Masters and Virginia Johnson tried to spread some knowledge about sexuality are not that far back. Actually, it seems like these times are catching up to us.

The Brazilians are pissed too. The diabolic and may I say, endless, World Cup, has found a way to bring its pile of money to the country but, it’s just for show! People live in misery, footballers don’t understand why they’re so angry, and lobbies and governments simply don’t care. That’s why the Kama Surra collective decided to put their anger into their art and developed this awesome series of “sex positions”. Only it’s not about showing how to get laid, but how to get fucked, by the abusive police.




[Via Playground]

BUT! Don’t despair, there are still some good things in life, like these boobie bouncy castle. That’s got to take your troubles away…