

French Kissing Against Homophobia

Well, these Canadians know how to do it. After the Games have always been a little gay, this time it's a video showing gay and straight Internet personalities frenching each other. And it's hot! French Kissing for the cause I've never really understood why people say "French" kissing because in my opinion, it's a pretty…

Gorgeous and sexy music video by Flume

Hey everybody, here's a very nice music video to end the week! I don't about you, but here in Spain, today is bank holiday, and I'm enjoying a lot spending my time looking for hot videos on the Internet! I'm sure you will like this one, it's a remix of Disclosure's You & Me by…

Kiss and Drool in “Exchange” with Kim and Vex

I'm not a big fan of drooling. When I kiss a guy and his drool is all over my face, I don't like it. However, there is something hot in getting all dirty, and watching other people getting it on. That's exactly what Vex and Kim do in "Exchange", Four Chambers' brand new video! Exchange…

Portraits of the most erotic and hottest kissing sessions

A kiss is what starts it all. Very often, the quality of the kissing is a determining factor in the future relationship. It tells you so much about the other person! The way he uses his tongue, how fast he goes, the way he holds you while doing it. A passionate kiss can mean so…

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