I’m not a big fan of drooling. When I kiss a guy and his drool is all over my face, I don’t like it. However, there is something hot in getting all dirty, and watching other people getting it on. That’s exactly what Vex and Kim do in “Exchange”, Four Chambers’ brand new video!

Exchange – Hmmm… Bodily fluids!

Sex is dirty. Not in the sense dirty:wrong, but in a sense that we get physically dirty, wet, sore… The body secretes many things that we are just happy to absorb, lick, swallow…

By now, you know I’m a big fan of Four Chambers’ work, and I’ve already talked to you several times about Vex, who is often the star of their films. Today, there is a new face: Kim Lucille. I think she goes really well with Vex. She’s punky, curvy, and according to her profile, she’s also a rat lover…

vex kim lucille four chambers

Anyway, I love how the video is made, the circle in the middle gives depth and perspective into this wet exchange of saliva. Is it still kissing? Licking? Tasting? Eating out? Who cares. It’s hot and it makes me horny.

The music is by xxyyxx, don’t forget to check out Four Chambers’ site for more goodies!