Gorgeous and sexy music video by Flume

Hey everybody, here’s a very nice music video to end the week! I don’t about you, but here in Spain, today is bank holiday, and I’m enjoying a lot spending my time looking for hot videos on the Internet! I’m sure you will like this one, it’s a remix of Disclosure’s You & Me by Flume.

Hot kissing for Flume’s Disclosure remix

First, the song is awesome. I’m not much of an electro girl, but sometimes, you gotta recognize a good beat.

The image is fresh and pretty, like the couple. The frames are zoomed in on their faces and you can guess their excitement and anticipation before they kiss, a feeling that the song very much enhances. I think it’s all about a moment, this precise time when you connect with someone, you know you’re about to share something with them, you don’t know if it’s going to be good or bad, but you desperately want to try it. It’s living in the moment, feeling only this and forgetting about your life and everything else.

The whole thing is very young, very naive, almost innocent. It depicts the birth of a desire, an sensual and sensorial experience that everybody can relate to. It goes through the skin, the eyes, the mouth, our whole body, like music!


1 Comment
  1. Mariam

    December 12, 2018 6:29 pm


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