

Get high on lube with Foria

Folks, we're going to talk about a sensitive topic today. Sensitive, indeed! My friends would say that I'm a weed lover. I like to indulge from time to time and my guess is that with the new Foria lubricant, this is not going to change. Get your vagina high So the way it works is…

Geometric Porn – 3 funky sex animations

Sex is sensual, hot, sexy... but it's also not to taken too seriously. All in bright colors, these three animations bring a fun outlook to arousal and fantasies with geometrical suggestions and bold drawings. It's totally crazy and stupid, but it does turn you on too. Check it out. Cream Tease This short by the…

A (not so) romantic comedy by Rock Brenner

The last time I talked to you about Rock Brenner, I showed you his latest music video, Mescaline IV. You could already sense his dark and sensual style. Today, I'm happy to say that you can watch his new project, in exclusivity here on welovegoodsex.com! Check out Une Comédie Romantique (A Romantic Comedy in English) for…

Eric and Ginger : The funniest sex scene in True Blood

I realize I've been talking quite a lot about True Blood. You'll have to forgive me, the last season is just filled with sex scenes that I simply cannot ignore. Seriously, the show brought us some extremely hot and unconventional sexual goodies, including gay sex, which make Game of Thrones look like a children's show.…

Sex news : Stuff in your butt, consent and 50 Shades

I wasn't able to write a sex news post yesterday, I was busy napping and eating paella by the pool - I know, it sucks - but better late than never! On the menu today, we have a variety of sexy news and goodies, from stuff that shouldn't go into your butt, stuff that should…

The weekly routine of a sex blogger [gifs]

I love sharing my life and loves with you on here. Since I started this site, I feel like I've been exploring a whole new side of myself, and it brings me great satisfaction to share it with people who might, somehow, relate to it. As a "sex blogger", my obsession is to find good…

16 gifs that sum up my sex life

Since I started this site, I've been on sex exploration mode. I thought there was more to sex than what I had been experiencing until then and I started wondering about porn, desire, pleasure, relationships... A lot of people ask me how welovegoodsex.com and shooting porn films have affected my sex life. I don't always…

Don’t Touch Me : The Making Of!

If you're a member of LucieMakesPorn.com, then you probably already watched my latest film, Don't Touch Me! The shooting was a very fun experience and I think we all enjoyed ourselves. So I have made a tiny making-of video so you can get an idea of what it's like being on the set of a…

Saturday is Sex Toy Day [nsfw gifs]

It's 1pm here. Saturday. I woke up late, jerked off a few times - my lucky number is three - and finally got up to write to you my dear readers. Saturday morning, especially in the summer, is simply a magical time when all week end is in front of you and you have all…

18 awesomely hot gifs from Orange Is The New Black

Ok, I may have become obsessed with this show. In my defence, I was ill for five days and my only comfort was being able to binge watch TV. Now that Orange Is The New Black Season 2 is over, as well as Game of Thrones, I'm suddenly going cold turkey, but that's not your…

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