A (not so) romantic comedy by Rock Brenner

The last time I talked to you about Rock Brenner, I showed you his latest music video, Mescaline IV. You could already sense his dark and sensual style. Today, I’m happy to say that you can watch his new project, in exclusivity here on welovegoodsex.com! Check out Une Comédie Romantique (A Romantic Comedy in English) for YIP/JUMP Films.

There’s something you need to know about this. It’s not porn, it’s not a romantic comedy. So, what is it? Well, it’s a mix of tasty ingredients: it’s well written, funny, sexy, gore and thrilling at the same time!

It starts great. Two pretty guys are sitting on the couch, apparently after a house party. It’s a little bit awkward and the guy on the left tries to make small talk, until he mentions having his cock sucked. Then everything changes. I don’t want to spoil the fun for you so you’re going to have to watch it! But believe me, it’s UNEXPECTED.


An honest request

Since Rock and I have been in touch for a little while, I took advantage and asked him a few questions about this new project, such as where he got the inspiration from.

He explained that a friend of his told him he just asked a girl to blow him during the date, and she simply said yes. This honesty between two people who barely know each other inspired Rock to start the film with the same spontaneity. He added that he would never have felt confident enough to ask a girl to blow him on the first date, but don’t worry Rock, you’ll get there!

A romantic comedy?

What’s funny is that instead of stopping at this nice, romantic scene, he mixed it with a not so romantic story. See, there’s this guy, in Rothenburg, who put an ad up to find someone who would be willing to “be eaten”. Literally. The two guys met and eventually one cut the other guy’s dick, they cooked it and ate it together.

This reference to suicide and deviant sexual urges are, as he explains, too rarely depicted in cinema.

So, it’s more of a romantic comedy ‘Victor Hugo’-style than Love Actually… The film was influenced by the work of John Waters and Richard Kern, who showed raw sexual urges on screen.

Two men on a date

At first, Rock had pictured the film with a guy (Bastien Legros, the guy on the left) and a girl, but after struggling to find a actress, the director decided to rewrite the script and found Joachim Trogolo to play the second part. In the end, it doesn’t matter much that the two characters are men or women!

He added that Legros looks kind of like Ryan Gosling and the idea of Gosling having his dick bitten off seemed awesome – no offense Ryan, we still love you!

On the shoot

Of course, I had to ask about what happened on the set. I like that Rock is starting out as a filmmaker just like me, so I understand the anxiety of shooting a film.

He said that he was afraid that everything would go wrong – because let’s face it, most of the time, they do, especially on a set – and that the world would explode. However, everything went fine, except when everybody was laughing their asses of at the sound of the ‘dragon-carp’ tattoo story, which was totally improvised.

So, I hope you enjoyed it and you won’t be too traumatised next time you give or receive a BJ!

romantic comedy rock brenner

  1. […] Une Comédie romantique est toujours disponible sur le site de Lucie Blush, We Love Good Sex : http://www.welovegoodsex.com/a-not-so-romantic-comedy-by-rock-brenner/ […]

  2. […] Et je remercie évidemment Lucie Blush pour avoir accepté cette petite vidéo, pour continuer à faire évoluer notre perception du sexe et pour avoir soutenu mon travail sur le clip Mescalin IV pour Shepard Electrosoft in Public Garden et mon court-métrage Une Comédie romantique. […]

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