The weekly routine of a sex blogger [gifs]

I love sharing my life and loves with you on here. Since I started this site, I feel like I’ve been exploring a whole new side of myself, and it brings me great satisfaction to share it with people who might, somehow, relate to it. As a “sex blogger”, my obsession is to find good stuff to talk about here, and as a femporn filmmaker, I also work on scripts and I’m in contact with actors, but my life has nothing to do with the life of a mainstream porn producer from the 90s. I’m basically on my own, in front of my computer screen…

I edited the new film

Which made me into an antisocial beast for a few days, eating out of random stuff from the fridge and forgetting things like space and time. So brace yourselves, new film coming here at the end of the month!

sexy comic gif

I masturbated

girl masturbating gif

A lot

girl masturbating gif

Had a True Blood marathon

The new season has started so I felt it was worth watching it all from the beginning again.

true blood gay scene eric alexander skarsgard

true blood sex scene jessica jason

Got laid

Sometimes, I get lucky!

sexy gifs

Got a hickey

Not cool dude. Not cool.

adventure time hickey gif

Started writing a new script

So much masturbation has got to get you inspired.

hot sexy gif

Had a party

spring breakers gif

Watched porn. Duh.

new girl porn

Masturbated again.

It seriously never gets old.

girl masturbating gif

Went to the beach.

I didn’t have sex on the beach but I thought the gif was pretty.

beach sex

Browsed Tinder

So what? I like it!

tinder animation gif


Thought about what I wanted for Christmas

It’s good to be prepared.

fox tail butt plug gif

1 Comment
  1. Mish de Sa

    July 5, 2014 5:33 pm

    Love it! Especially the part about the hickey….. 🙂

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