I have just had the pleasure of finding out about ‘Sexblotch’ thanks to Le Tag Parfait. The idea of triggering people’s insides without showing any actual sex is one of the greatest challenges, in my opinion.


Sex is so easy to sell, few people take the time to go deeper into it and make something real out of it, something new, something inspiring. I mean, how can we think of ourselves as an ‘advanced’ civilization when our biggest entertainment is to watch people fuck like monkeys. Come on. It doesn’t mean we should reject the animal within us and jerk off to pompous hipster films with subtitles, but there is more out there, and way more to come.

So check out Sexblotch, a project by two Belgian guys, Pierre Lebecque and Serge Goldwitcht, who decided to join their skills and make erotic videos, without sex. They create hypnotizing visuals mixed with sounds of orgasms.

Sexblotch helps you to discover a new, erotic mental space, one that belongs to you alone. Disconnecting in this erotic way allows you to gain greater awareness of your innermost private desires.

Of course, seeing the ‘action’ works instantly on a lot of people, it turns us on and off we go, we masturbate like we smoke a cigarette. We love everything ‘instant’ these days, but sex deserves that we take a deeper look at it, don’t you think? All I’m saying is that it’s exciting to see new initiatives like this one.

Check out the trailer below. You can watch all the videos on vimeo for 5 bucks a month.
