Sex diary : Berlin Sex Party, part II

So about a month ago, I went to my first sex party ever. I know, I was so right to move to Berlin! I wrote a whole article about it for you to find out about the juicy details. Last Monday, I went back to Schwelle for the Full Moon party, and I had a different, yet also very enjoyable experience. Let me tell you about it. I don’t remember the exact chain of events but enough for you to get the gist.

The last time, I went with a couple of girl friends, but this time, I went with a partner, which gave me a different perspective on the whole thing.

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We got there at 8, took off our shoes and slipped into something I don’t know if more comfortable but definitely more fabulous. We paid our entry and I was happy to hear that the owner had read – and enjoyed – my previous article, and we went in. There weren’t as many people as the last time, since it was on a Monday. Almost all of us had the reflex of going to smoke first and chill until everybody was there. A few more people told me about reading my article and even recognized themselves in it, which I thought was freaking awesome.

Then, we found a bed in the corner and I enjoyed touching myself while looking at the others, chatting and starting to have sex.

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There was a couple in front of us. Her hands were tied to a hook hanging from the ceiling and he was fucking her. She had a bell hanging from her cunt and they were both wearing the same black stockings and high heels. It was beautiful!

joseph gordon levitt wearing stockings{via}

We found our way into another corner on a comfy couch where this couple was sitting, then two other guys joined and I found myself being massaged and caressed by everybody. This is my happy place, I thought to myself. We sucked and licked and kissed. To my surprise, I got very turned on by the woman, she was super pretty and passionate, and I thought we had a good feeling. It also turned me on to see my partner next to us, kissing the feet of a gorgeous girl, the same girl I had shared a hot BJ with the last time I was there.

I wanted to take things slow, so I had a smoke and cosied up on the big chair with a few guys – the window was open because of the smoking and it was getting chilly – including the hot guy that I had had the threesome with the last time. It’s awfully fun to meet people there and see them again, it creates a kind of bond, as if we didn’t have to talk bullshit to each other because we already know we’re all pervs.

I felt that this time, we could talk more and I had a few great conversations, which I truly enjoyed. It’s not a sex marathon but rather a slow night where you can take the time to be who you are.

I don’t really remember how it happened, but a little while later, I was on a bed on one side of the wide room. I noticed that we were right next to the heating pipes and I thought it was just perfect. If you ever go there, I have one tip: a massage is the best way to say hello, and these guys knew that. More people joined in, I couldn’t see who exactly, but I didn’t care. I was being pleasured everywhere, by everybody, and I have to say that that was the first moment when I actually understood what an orgy was about: losing yourself in the pleasure and forgetting about the way you look or about anything going on outside of that sex bubble.

james deen porn{via}

However, we debated that sometimes, a few limits are good to get aroused. It can be hotter to have sex when or where you’re not supposed to, but it’s absolutely amazing to experience sex in this oasis of lust.

At some point, I saw an older guy who was wearing a curly, white wig and a Greek style dress. He was sucking on my nipples and I enjoyed playing with him. He was so happy. I felt like that place was the perfect opportunity to let who you really are come out. I bit his finger with pure, raw, primal instinct as we looked each other in the eyes. It was awesome.

Later, I was walked around on a leash by one of the gorgeous guys who attended the event – I have a double leather collar with a golden chain – and I needed to go to the bathroom. We went in together and I sucked his cock while I was on the toilet. It was even more fun when this girl walked in on us. In real life, something like that happening might be embarrassing but there, the reaction you can expect is to laugh and ask the person to join in on the fun! She joined us later on a bed, before she left, and we cuddled a little and said goodbye.

bathroom sex{via}

I’m amazed at how many cool, open-minded and educated people you can meet there, it’s a great place to make awesome connections and socialize with people who, basically, get you.

We found our way to the same couch and the hot threesome guy and I blew my partner while he was caressing the ass of a girl who was sitting next to us. We sucked him at the same time and we alternated. I’m pretty sure everybody was happy at that moment.

bisexual blow job{via}

On Mondays, the party doesn’t last as long as during the week end so at about 3ish, we all slowly left. We put our coats back on and went back to our lives.

Again, it was a totally amazing experience, but also different from the last time, which is great. I could never have imagined that it was possible to live these things.

I can’t even count my orgasms.


  1. Tyson

    April 17, 2015 12:55 am

    Have you gone back? Are you a regular now?

    • Lucie Blush

      April 22, 2015 10:43 pm

      I like to go back sometimes, yes 🙂

  2. Aly

    July 13, 2015 10:29 pm

    i Wish i could go there too. I stumbled on Your videos on xvideos…instantly fell in love with you and your work. you are amazing, keep the good work up.

  3. amano

    February 9, 2016 6:22 pm

    Loved this warm, direct, humane article. In particular you said one thing that made me realize why I have fantasized about groups for so long : to experience sex in an oasis of lust. Yes to feel the desire multiplied and in the open. I also liked how this place seems full of nice people and not creepy types. ( I guess my fear).

    Had you BF been blown by a guy before? how did he react? Did you get specially turned on sharing your BF or seeing him with others?

    Anyway – you have inspired me to go and experience my fantasy.

  4. Vytas

    August 3, 2016 9:54 pm

    Schwelle 7 is gone… is there a similar space in Berlin now?Because all the other options seems to be overly commercial (insomnia, kitkat).

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