Owen & Vex in Proximity, a fresh erotic short film

Remember this erotic short film featuring Vex having fun on her own? Well, this time, she’s in good company. Proximity is a porn film by Four Chambers, and you can see the, already very erotic, teaser below. The full version is available to watch in exchange for a little donation.

Proximity, a fresh and natural fantasy

I love Four Chambers‘ work. This short film is fun, natural, pretty and very arousing! The actors, Vex and Owen, are pretty hot, and they give an image of sex art that we don’t really see, with their “alternative” look, away from clichés. It’s got style, spirit, and nudity! All the things I love…

proximity owen and vex gif

I love how this film is different, but still porn. In the teaser, you can imagine what’s going on, and guess what they’re doing. And most important, you can see their faces are lighting up with pleasure, feeling every inch of each other’s body inside and out. It’s a mix of natural and fantasy, as we’re watching two real people having sex, but the way it is made lets us make the best of it in our mind, filling it with our own desires.

Vex, a recovering art student, is a “naked professional”, working with Godsgirl and camgirl. It’s the first time I’ve learned about Owen Gray. He’s a kink performer based in San Francisco. I’m going to dig more into him and what he does, and I might just write more about him!

Here’s the erotic teaser for Proximity: Owen and Vex. Enjoy! And tell me what you think!

proximity : owen & vex (tease) from Four Chambers on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. […] know I’m a big fan of the Four Chambers studio, and I’ve already posted videos with Vex. Every time I watch their newest work, I’m amazed. This one, Sól, features a new face, […]

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