One Sex On The Beach Please! Summer eye candy

Maybe it’s summer where you are, but here, it’s all about scarves and jackets again. That’s why I really appreciated finding this awesome video today. Enjoy some tasty eye candy by JeanLondonDia

Sex On The Beach, Eye Candy and The Sun On My Skin

I have a confession. I’m not a big fan of the beach. It’s often dirty, sand gets everywhere (even in places you don’t want it to get, obviously), it’s crowded and the heat is unbearable. The only thing I like is a good excuse to read stupid magazines and gaze at hot guys soaking up the sun, or playing ball…

This is exactly what this video is all about: enjoying the vision of four very hot men doing… well, they don’t do much… Let’s say they’re just busy making us melt.

The eye candy video was made by Photographer Jean Paul Dia, and the original title is Sexe Sur La Plage (Sex On The Beach in French). The juicy models are Justin Shaw, Staniel Ferreira, Keith Van Nelson and Taylor Scott. I won’t remember their names, but their abs will keep me company tonight…


1 Comment
  1. […] Lucie Blush avoue ne pas trop aimer la plage, elle trouve ça sale et partage avec notre chère Abitboule ce constat évident : le sable […]

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