On the set of my new porn film

Hey peeps, I didn’t post anything yesterday because I was busy shooting my new porn film! I’m still working on finding the perfect title for it, but I can already tell you it’s going to be hot! Here are a few pictures from yesterday. The actors are Bianca Resa and Juan Lucho, and I think we all a great time. We were all relaxed and had a few good laughs.

The film will be up on my online cinema in about two weeks, stay tuned!

-> EDIT – 06/20/2014: The film is now available on luciemakesporn.com!

They had a great connection together, you could tell they were happy to hook up!

lucie blush new film set

Me looking all concentrated


Look at Mister Stud here! Ain’t he pretty?

lucie blush juan lucho

He had to suffer a little bit on the shoot…


…but he didn’t complain!

bianca resa

We shot the film in a flat in Barcelona which had a huge terrace. It was cloudy but thank Goddess it didn’t rain!


Time for a smoke…

bianca resa and juan lucho

Me trying to put my idea into words

lucie blush new porn film

The whole team together, with Sole who handled the second camera, Bianca, Juan and me.


  1. […] currently editing my new film and the first scene in it is pretty cool. The girl plays rough on the guy and the result is really […]

  2. Kathy

    May 25, 2014 7:40 pm

    Can’t wait too watch it ! Thanks Lucie for your films ; I keep following you since the day I watched “Alice inside” (this one is one road to orgasm for me … :$) and I love your blog.

    • Lucie Blush

      May 29, 2014 2:37 pm

      Thx so much Kathy! Glad you like it 🙂

  3. […] it is folks! The film I shot last month with Bianca Resa and Juan Lucho, titled Don’t Touch Me, is finally available to […]

  4. […] can also check out the photos from the set right here if you haven’t seen them […]

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