No Artificial Sweeteners – Winner of the Best Short award

Ladies and gents, perverts and horny all around the globe, let me present you the winner of this year’s FPA award for Best Short Film!

No Artificial Sweeteners – But Oh So Sweet

And when I say sweet, I mean so motherf*****g hot! Sonya JF Barnett, aka La Madame, host of the Keyhole Sessions, has provided us, this year, with a delicate, sexy, natural and fun short film. I was able to watch it at Public. Provocative. Porn. – the Feminist Porn Awards Screening session on the eve of the ceremony – and boy girl it was hot! This version is only a teaser but I can assure you that the film deserves the applause.

The film stars Ashlee & Adam, who have an amazing connection, visible on screen.

The morning after a little party at her new flat, Ashley realizes that one of the guests crashed on the couch. Late morning tea turns into an afternoon of fun & debauchery for the two newly minted friends.

The goal of the Keyhole Sessions is to bring art back into porn, and make something equally sexy and beautiful to watch.

The full version will soon be available!

No Artificial Sweeteners trailer from The Madame on Vimeo.

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  1. […] Short No Artificial Sweeteners Sonya JF Barnett (The […]

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