My favorite nude pictures of the week

One thing I always have time for is browsing through Tumblr until 3 in the morning. Nude photography always inspires me to improve at shooting porn. The colors, the shadows… It’s amazing to see how many cool ways there are to show a naked body. So, here are my favorite nude pictures from this week’s productive Internet surfing.

After proofreading this article, I have just realized that it’s only Thursday so the week is not over but I work in porn, so my week end starts on Friday. Deal with it.

New toys, New pleasures

Here are two pictures of Leliana, 21, from Scandinavia. Love the nipple clamps. I used to not be a great fan of nipple play but now, I don’t know why but I love it!

More here!

new toys new pleasure

And this one with her new butt plug is just perfect.


Morsure d’amour

Enjoy 20-year-old Nova. I love her hair and her skin and her body!

Her tumblr is here.

nova nude photography

Freshie Juice

Enjoy this beautiful black and white picture of Freshie Juice by Barry Simpson! More on his Etsy Shop.

barry simpson

Losing touch with reality

Lovely photography from Sweet Apocalypse.

sweet apocalypse nude photography


This is one of the awesome photos by Sarah from Sphinxiee.

sphynx cat nude photo


Gorgeous pics of Opiette by Ubik, what do you think?

opiette nude

opiette by ubik

Abandoned factory

I thought this post was missing some penis action. So here’s an inspiring photo of Chris by Sita Mae, a photographer from Western Pennsylvania.

sia mae male nude

Hari Ziyad

Cool photo of Hari Ziyad by Lee Andrew, shot in Brooklyn.

hari ziyad

For any copyright issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

1 Comment
  1. Arthur Thomas

    December 17, 2020 1:49 pm

    Wishing I could add my pictures to the bunch

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