La Ama – Mistress in the house of BDSM

This film was shot a few months ago in the Spanish province of Jaen. La Ama (The Mistress in Spanish) is a story about a journalist who ends up in a huge house where she will make quite a few discoveries. Check it out!

La Ama

A journalist, pretending to cover a story about an ex-boxer, finds herself trapped in a place in the middle of nowhere. There, in a huge house, there are people living and working, connected to each other by a dark network of lust and BDSM. She will experience the pleasures of BDSM by the hands of The Mistress, who uses every tool at her disposal to torture and drive the young woman to ecstasy.

It’s a fantasy a lot of us have already though about: a big mansion, lost somewhere in the countryside, where everything and anything can happen, where you’re free to yield to the temptation…

Written and directed by Luis Moyano and Arantza Ibarra, this movie promises to be cruelly hot.

Trailer La Ama-La Película. from LaAma-LaPelícula on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Venky

    October 30, 2016 2:37 am

    Superb site

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