Maria Bala’s alternative porn

I am writing this post as I am preparing my trip to Berlin. I’m flying there tomorrow for the Berlin Porn Film Festival, where my films Alice Inside and Up All Night will be screened! It’s one of the biggest European porn events and I’m excited about meeting a lot of great talents, among them Petra Joy, Ovidie… and Maria Bala, a young pornographer from Spain.

Porn by Maria Bala

Maria and other collaborators in the sex-positive Toytool Comitee collective, bring us fresh, authentic, exciting, alternative and artistic porn. You need a lot of people to make a film, from directors to camera crew, writers, editors, composers… Everybody in the group brings their own ideas to the projects and everybody does what they like to do and what they’re good at.

Here are a few videos by them that you’ll like.

Support your local pornographers

Couldn’t agree more!

Teaser SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PORNOGRAPHERS from toytool comiteé on Vimeo.

The Silent Guy_teaser from toytool comiteé on Vimeo.

HOME_shortfilm promo from toytool comiteé on Vimeo.

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