Hot Bath For Two with Ivy and Sebastian

Sex in the bathroom has always kind of puzzled me. It’s never comfortable, it’s slippery, often tiny and way too close to the toilet. However, it’s a fantasy that keeps popping into my head, but it’s more about the closeness and excitement of the situation than for the set itself. In Hot Bath For Two, Ivy and Sebastian have hot sex between the bubbles…

Ivy & Sebastian : Hot Bath For Two

Summer is slipping away and the bath is becoming a nest of warmth and cosiness again. After spending the day exploring the outdoors, the two gorgeous models go back to their happy, secret place and turn on the heat.

The fantasy of having a nice place to yourself, sheltered from the outside world, is enough to make me wet.

What do you think?

>>Watch the full scene here<<

1 Comment
  1. leon

    May 2, 2016 10:36 pm

    I want to kmow the actress’s name and the name of the music in the beggining of the movie “hot bath for two”.could u do me a favor to tell me that, thanks a lot.

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